I created Profit Acceleration Software™ so you can find hidden profits of any business using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing.


Just a quick appreciation for your work in attracting and securing another client.

A person was referred to me by someone that I have no idea who they are or where they heard of me… anyway, they downloaded the “Everything is Wrong” video from my site, started the drip campaign.

I got a notification on my CRM that she was in the system and then proceeded to get her contact details on LinkedIn. I did that and we conversed, she told me her business problems on LinkedIn…we then made a time to have a quick chat and see if I could be of any help. We established I could and she completed my Business Audit form.

I had a meeting with her and business partner yesterday and signed them up for $3K down and $1650 per month for 12 months.

Gave her a signed copy of my book as well 🙂

THANK YOU, without your information that would never have happened as seamlessly or at all.



Ps I now have 12 private clients and 7 in a group… all mainly from May this year

Glenis Gassmann

I thought I’d take a moment or two to let you know how pleased I am with my LPW relationship. The lead-generation strategy utilizing the free training produces a consistent flow of leads for me. All I have to do is send out an email and invite them to take the free training; and the system handles everything from there on out. It’s excellent.

I also have found that the entire course is a very good foundation for my consulting with small to medium entrepreneurial businesses. As I’m sure you know, most entrepreneurs do not have any formal education in lead generation. I used to believe that sales was the panacea for these businesses but, before you can sell, you must have inquiries, walk-in traffic and/or leads (depending on what you sell).

Your training program provides me with the ability to deliver value to my clients without investing time in proportion to that value. In other words, it is becoming my partner in profit. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. As always, I wish you…

Good Luck and Good Selling!!!

Gil Cargill, Sales Acceleration Coach

I never cease to be amazed with both of your continued excellence. You lead by example – like true leaders. Adrian’s article in the magazine and Karl’s presentation that Adrian sent to me… WOW! As good as I think I am – you guys are fantastic!

One of your benefits for me is that you continue to raise the bar. Change and continued learning has always been a norm for me. Now I realize I need to step that up, a lot – just to keep up with you two.

My client that I had for $5,000 per month just went to $7,000 per month… with a 10% profit share arrangement on the back end. This client will shortly evolve into 15,000 per month + 20% profit share – our attorneys are reviewing the new contract currently.

And I have MUCH more now in the pipeline. All thanks to you guys and your online coaching program‼‼‼‼ I love you guys‼! Lol.

Chuck Keys

It’s been fantastic working with your system and your amazing support team.

I just wanted to let you know I’ve worked with many of “the gurus” and also worked with Tony Robbins and Chet Holmes for over ten years. Been in the coaching industry for a long time!!

What you and your team created (and continue to build upon) kills anything Tony Robbins and his team have developed for business owners.

Your week to week instruction is the best available and job well done.

Business owners of all shapes and sizes are VERY fortunate to have you and your system.

Marty Rowland

One of my personal weekly coaching clients that I’ve had for about 45 days has already generated in the last 10 days new clients worth around $50,000 in business. We got his pitch, his target market and his packages in line and now he’s closing clients right and left. He has generated more in the last 10 days than his entire last year. He even has more in his pipeline.
Ann Carden

$170,000.00+ in online memberships in 8 months

Since March 1st my wife Wendy and I have sold over $170,000 in online memberships to our E-Learning System. We’ve set a target of $80,000 from now to the 15th of December so we can have a bit of a Christmas break.

Darrell Weekes

I have been implementing the strategies from the last Social Media Course you guys presented to the coaches. Using this training, we presented our monthly webinar on 12th November. We had 141 register and 98 attend (darn just missed the century), and from there we now have 28 accountants that responded to our webinar offer and we’re still arranging screen share appointments with them. We have already signed one on board and have another four confirmed that they’re coming on board tomorrow, and another two on Friday. We have so many meetings that I had to share some of the load with my partner as his calendar filled up. Great problem to have obviously and we owe it ALL to you guys!
Peter Lawson

Some $$ numbers to report following my webinar and recent ask the expert calls: After speaking with you and getting your feedback on the best way to market my webinar, I had 269 people sign up to the webinar within 3 hours! I couldn’t believe it!

I just signed up one client on a 12-month contract for US $1150 per month for the first two months, and then US$800 after that. I signed up a second client at $900 for my Sales & Marketing Audit PLUS $500 for month 1, C$650 for month 2 and C$775 every month thereafter…

PLUS 12% of their gross revenue. I then signed up a third client at $600 per month for 3 months… and then $1000 per month thereafter PLUS a percentage of their gross revenue we are in the process of determining. Plus one more – already in the middle of his sales audit. He will be worth $500 in month 1, then $750 in month 2, and then $1000 per month… plus revenue share. I have several grant recipients interested and still owe them proposals.

I’m simply up to my eyeballs at the moment with clients and prospects. I am so grateful for your dedication to OUR success.

Jason Economides

Signed a client on a one year, $24,000 contract from the Everything is Wrong presentation in October. Presenting a proposal to prospect number 2 on Friday.
Walter Wise

Closed a $7200 coaching client today (12 months, just 2 calls a month, $600.00 per month). All I had to do was show him the E-learning system as I was closing him and he was in immediately.
Steve Messineo

I value all of your and your team’s expertise and your prompt willingness to assist me whenever I ask for or require help. I have to say I was a bit hesitant joining LPW, but what a blessing it has been to me and to my coaching practice.

It has allowed me to create a program to bless small business owners who could never initially afford a coach because I now have enough high dollar clients to make this work.

My heart has always been in helping people but now thinking outside the box, using contingencies, JV’s, payment plans, etc… I’m able to do what I love… help others succeed and get paid well to do it.

Thank you and God bless!

Catharine T. Pearce

I had put this weekend aside to do the Coaches Training. I have just finished Day 1 and can I tell you, after having done 2 university degrees (as a mature age student), a CPA qualification and dozens of conferences and seminars, I’ve got to say this day provided me with the single most valuable information for helping my small business clients.

I knew the E-Learning Marketing System was powerful, but you have just “supercharged” it with the sessions today.

Having been trying to implement business development services in my accounting firm for a number of years, I now feel that I have the process to actually start helping my clients and get paid well for it (and non-clients as well).

Accountants are process driven by nature. We need to have a system to follow. With other programmes we have invested in, it was elusive – you are providing that.

I really like your no bullsh**t approach. I can’t wait to do Day 2 tomorrow.

Sue McKeen

Thought I would let you know I got 114 people into a room for a one day seminar…. and wound up selling 87 of them a USD $1,200 12 month DIY coaching membership. That’s $104,400 for a one day session. I LOVE you guys!
SJ Pretorius

I just had the thrill of my life… signed up my very first $48,000 coaching client today !!! He has also agreed to become a Joint Venture Partner as well and actively promote my webinar next week.

All of this has happened within 4 days of my E-Learning System going live !!! Super happy and huge thanks to this amazing business !!! Just wish I found you guys earlier !!!!

Brian Wilkinson

I just scored a 50/50 revenue split with a new client equating to at least $50,000 per year. Alan’s input just prior to this negotiation proved invaluable. Others happening too, this one just got me going.

Thank you guys. You totally rock. Feel like I’m with family…

Jen Barnes

The team did a fabulous job facilitating, making everyone feel like a family.

My take away is that this group has some real talent within. The calibre of the presentations by everyone and the shared knowledge is and will be the cornerstone to the growth of LPW.

Thank you to all.

I guess I should say cheers to all… you know what I mean.

David Sheldon

I’m currently working on a very big deal where I’ll be combining coaching with consulting. The LPW framework has already proven itself to be extremely powerful and compelling for this prospective client. My consulting team presented the results (and recommendations) to the entire management team of a PE-funded small business and, among other elements, the LPW Buyer’s Journey concept literally dropped their jaws open. It was really something to see. I’m proposing an aggressive compensation plan with them — one that will pay off big time as we help them increase their sales (average deal for them is around $250k).

I’m also using the LPW system on re-inventing the marketing engine for the non-profit organization (for which I’m on the Board of Trustees), so that could be a whole new opportunity category for me, and of course other coaches.

I’ve been explaining over and over and over again to the rest of my consulting partners that in the early stages of growing businesses: the leader/founder of the business may be brilliant at their craft (e.g. inventing a new product, designing software, or managing a process), but they’re terrible at sales, and even worse at marketing. This situation is a classic example of that. I know Adrian and Karl talk about this a lot, but it is SO true and consistent.

Charlie Garland

I have to tell you that I’m absolutely blown away with what you have put together!! As I have travelled through the LPW induction and training process I have kept finding more information and more benefits and more opportunities!! I’m astounded at what I have found to date. No doubt there are still more very pleasant surprises that I will uncover. In summary, I could not be more impressed!

When I did my Due Diligence before signing up my membership I was very impressed with what I saw which is why I signed up. But I have to confess (with apologies) that I was somewhat skeptical about whether LPW and your team could possibly deliver on everything that I had seen and heard about during my Due Diligence. Well… the jury’s back in . . . and the finding is that the LPW membership and all that it offers is even better than I thought possible! How good is it to FINALLY have one’s high expectations exceeded!


I could ramble on for a few pages on why I have found LPW membership as good as it is. But I won’t. You already know the many reasons. I just wanted to give you my feedback.

Keep up the good work!

Alan Mitrovich


"I created Profit Acceleration Software™ so you can BOOST bottom-line profits using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing."- Karl Bryan

"Eliminate the time between the idea and the act...
and your dreams will become your reality."