"I created Profit Acceleration Software™ so you can BOOST bottom-line profits using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing."- Karl Bryan

One Thing: Day 32: Apples and Sugar

Day 32: Apples and Sugar

My Father in law is not well and went missing over the weekend. My wife is obviously beside herself and they had a search team out over the weekend.

A great guy and insanely charismatic (I call him Big Al) which, lucky for me, he passed onto his daughter. These emails will likely provide a much needed distraction this week.

The show must go on.

On Friday I explained how I built a list of over 75,000 subscribers for my business coaching magazine and gave you a bulletproof 5-step process on how to legitimately double engagement on your social media.

If you’re trying to grow via social media and didn’t see it… going by the amount of feedback I got on a Friday, you’ll want to check it out.

You’ve heard the saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

The saying is not, “If you forgot then eat seven apples on Sunday to keep the doctor away.”

Now I know some are about to hit reply and tell me that ‘apples are fruit’… ‘fruit is basically sugar’. And therefore, ‘Apples aren’t really good for you’.

Please take the lesson and don’t critique my apple eating habits.

That would be weird.   

I also just pounded a glass of milk.


Much like an apple a day a common mistake business coaches make on social is their lack of consistency. 

Your ONE THING today is “consistency over intensity.”

You need to post on social daily and not get fired up mid-week and inundate your followers and then disappear until your next jolt of enthusiasm.

A good framework is once a day and BTW twice a day is better than once.

I hear you ask:

How often should I post?

How often is too often?”

That’s the wrong question…. what’s critically important is that you have something valuable to say.

Is this valuable and helpful to my ideal client? 

If YOU think so, post it and learn as you go.

Remember, there are only two forms on value online:

  1. Entertainment
  2. Education

Now do what no one ever seems to do… think long term and get strategic.

Grab a pen and piece of paper (iPad if you’re the new school type) and write down a list of 14 posts you’re going to make over the next 7 days.

When you see something cool you want to share / post… DOCUMENT IT in your “Instant Client Social Media Posts” rather than sporadically post it or accidentally forgeting about it.

Your followers don’t know what’s about to hit them.

Ok, so if I’m honest I’m getting sick of talking about social media… its great and I know it’s something that will help you sell more business coaching.

But my job, and obsession, is to help you build a six-figure coaching business, ideally a multiple six figure coaching business and if your one off my Unicorns… you’ll hit seven figures ($83,333.33 per month) with your business coaching.

Social media is important but there are things like making your clients more money.

I want to ensure:

  1. Clients can pay your high-end coaching fees.
  2. Clients can keep paying your high-end coaching fees (with a smile).
  3. You and your clients become wildly wealthy.

Tomorrow I’m going to post one more silver bullet for social and then we’re going to move on.

Depending what happens this week I may need to take a break from my regular daily programming and attend to my wife and Father in Law.

I’m sure you understand :o(

Obsessed with your business coaching success,

King Karl

PS. Please keep my Father in Law, Big Al in your thoughts and prayers. And if you’re in Sakatoon (if you are, I hope you’re wearing a winter jacket!) keep your eyes peeled for our boy.



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One Thing series with Karl Bryan