"I created Profit Acceleration Software™ so you can BOOST bottom-line profits using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing."- Karl Bryan

One Thing: Day 63: Catastrophe Averted

Day 63: Catastrophe Averted 

Yesterday was Remembrance Day and I was talking about how business is an intellectual sport and how to be remembered.

Steve Jobs and Lee Iacocca style.

Speaking of being remembered on Friday I was saying how Michael Gerber of ‘The E-Myth’ has never built a business… he wrote a book about it.

They tell me Michael Gerber is a little hot at me…. But I suppose it’s nice to know high profile people are reading my diatribe :o)   

The book gives some great advice but going away from your business for 6 months and expecting to come back to a more profitable one… is seductive but totally delusional. 

That kind of seductive but delusional advice is a major reason why so many businesses fail.

They strive for something that’ll never happen like a 4-hour workweek.

Or they think super positive thoughts and expect a big bag of money to fall from the sky onto their head “The Secret” style. Then there’s the promise of “Work-Life Balance…”

Have mercy.


If you read one of “Warren Buffett’s Annual Letters” that go out to his shareholders.

It’s simply a series of measurements.

In fact, it’s about three things:

  • Trends (up or down?)
  • Relationships (cause and effect)
  • Comparables (what happened at the same time last week/month/year?)

Your one thing is:

‘Growth is what you say YES to. Success is what you say NO to’.

Here’s what Warren Buffett had to say on success. 

“The difference between successful people and very successful people is the very successful people say no to almost everything.”

Sounds easy….

Magic lies in knowing what small number of things to say yes to.

When to go for it on 4TH and 1.

I had a high-profile coach, that you would have heard of, approach me recently to do what I’ll call a ‘synergistic coaching play’…. He presented it well and there’s no question a great opportunity and I was honored to be asked.   

It involved software which is why I took the call/thought about it.

Has the potential to make an enormous amount of money … he really wanted my marketing mind (and my legendary business partner) in exchange for 25% and he’d do the vast majority of the work while we provide guidance on the marketing and built the network/following.   

I thought about it (‘Time to Think’ with a note pad, one powerful question, and total silence) and called him the next day and shut it right down.

I told him I didn’t even want an update for 12 months so drop me out of the loop entirely.


Too enticing… saying yes to this would take focus away from something we’ve already started.

Metaphorically I’m in control of the game and need to avoid unforced errors.

My existing projects like my new podcast (KILLER) ‘Business Coaching Secrets’ to be released shortly, 2.0 version of my business coaching software, these daily emails which kill me LOL but the feedback and thank you’s make it well worth it, plus some new training plus MUCH more are 10 times more important than someone else’s great idea. 

Maybe I’ll look like an idiot for “punting on 4th and 1” and avoiding an unforced error in three years. 

But defense wins Championships.

‘Growth is what you say YES to. Success is what you say NO to’.

You heard it here first.

I spend hours on these bad boys…. I write every word myself.

Please forward this email to someone that you think could use this advice and they can get a limited-time complimentary subscription to my magazine… or just someone that needs some bad grammar in their life.

LOTS more business coaching magic to come your way.

Obsessed with your business coaching success,

Karl Bryan aka King Karl

PS. Pros win championships. Losers lose championships.

Forward momentum should sometimes be measured in catastrophe averted.

Avoiding unforced errors.

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One Thing series with Karl Bryan