"I created Profit Acceleration Software™ so you can BOOST bottom-line profits using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing."- Karl Bryan

Home 9 Blog 9 One Thing: Day 97: Advice From My Daughter

One Thing: Day 97: Advice From My Daughter

Day 97: Advice From My Daughter 

On Friday I explained how generating small business coaching leads is simply about one word:


Most lack it and then create a story of ‘I don’t know what to do’… ‘nothing I do works’… ‘I bought a course and (although I didn’t apply nor finish it) it didn’t provide what they said it would’ and too many more disempowering stories to list here.


Today’s learning is from a conversation I had over Christmas with my 22-year-old daughter… it’s the sister act to Friday’s.

Your ONE THINGS is that… ‘The reason most people fail is that they never start.’

In the world of business coaching…

  • Don’t start building a list.
  • Don’t start promoting on social media.
  • Don’t start advertising.
  • Don’t start creating videos.
  • Don’t start picking up the phone.
  • Don’t start the live events. 
  • Don’t start the webinar.
  • Don’t start the joint venture.
  • Don’t start a series of emails.
  • Don’t start building a following on social media.
  • Don’t start the podcast.
  • Don’t start their group coaching program.

And therefore… don’t start making any damn money.

But manage to get surprised and frustrated when they don’t have success.  

The coaching clients that desperately need your help, direction and accountability are the EXACT same.

The end.

Are you going to do something about it?

Obsessed with your business coaching success,

Karl Bryan aka King Karl

PS. Great holiday game at the gym: Spot the guy on the cardio machine who’s doing one-year worth of training in one day.

Take it easy Big Shoots… cardio is for life and not just for Christmas.

PPS. New episodes available for my new Podcast… Check it out:

Business Coaching Secrets

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One Thing series with Karl Bryan