"I created Profit Acceleration Software™ so you can BOOST bottom-line profits using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing."- Karl Bryan

Freddie Mercury most certainly a legend!

I went to see “Bohemian Rhapsody’ this week and it was AWESOME. Freddie is most certainly a legend!! 

Freddie Mercury

Wrote most of the important lyrics (Bohemian Rhapsody, We Are the Champions etc)  

He was a knock-out showman with mesmerizing stage presence

He had a sick sense for which bands to partner with 

He knew what events were a must attend (Live Aid) 

Arranged much of the important music   

Owned a flamboyant and attention-grabbing sense style (when it wasn’t cool) 

And his personality was mysterious enough to keep his fans guessing… and wanting to know more.                                 

Freddie was an all-rounder. Could do it all. 


Business Coaches

Business coaches like you and me tend to be “if you need a job right, do it yourself.”

Problem: you’re likely not, Freddie Mercury. 

Most musical legends (and business owners) surround themselves with people that can help prop them up. Picture a mosh pit… one person on top and all the others below holding them up for the crowd to see and cheer for. 

Are you surrounding yourself and your business coaching services with a kick butt team? People, to prop you up so you don’t need to do it all? One of the things I do better than anyone (so they tell me :o) is getting business coaches clients.  

In fact, my marketing message for a long time was “I get business coaches, clients… period!”

If you need help getting your phone to ring… finding small business owners online to reach out and ask you for coaching… I can do this for you.

The other thing I do pretty well is ensure your clients will get financial results quickly… so they can afford to pay you. Reality is 90% of the population is flat broke. And the “Kum Ba Yah” types are saying “it’s not all about money…”  

I know that… but sadly it is in many ways so don’t kid yourself and just deal with it. Find new, real and innovative ways to make your clients money.   

Coaching clients

Coaching clients cancel with you and say things like “I’m overwhelmed…” “I’m going to take a break and we’ll restart at a later date…” (the date magically never comes) and the list of generic excuses goes on and on.  

What they’re really saying is I don’t see a financial return and don’t want to hurt your feelings by being too direct.  

If you’re only relying on the affluent ones to take on your coaching…. it’ll be a tough ride and not end well for you. 4% of businesses make it to $1,000,000 in gross revenues. 4%!!  


So when you meet a coach that says they deal with businesses doing $5 million and above etc… they’re building a coaching business with little, to no chance, of scale.

How can you go to .001% of the population and expect to be able to do high volume (scale)?  

Example: my background is in franchising… the most popular (profitable) franchises are ones where almost anyone can perform the business and therefore the ability to “scale” (sell lots!!! lol) is through the roof. 

Hamburgers, Subs, Carpet Cleaning, Lawn Mowing, Pizza, Gyms etc. and these types of activities will always be the most popular franchises.  

There will never be a monster franchise in Dentistry, Chiropractic, Engineering etc. This is why I got so many clients when I was coaching… I knew exactly what businesses to target and where I would hit home runs before swinging the bat.  

You might want to think about this when you’re targeting your own coaching clients. 

Reach out and ask for some help if you need some. And to do so… just leave a comment.

I can help you become the Local Legend you might be dreaming of? 

Generate more leads than you know what to do with. And build the coaching business (team of coaches?) you pictured when you started. 

Obsessed with your success,


PS. “While some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

Become a “Local Legend” — ask me how.