"I created Profit Acceleration Software™ so you can BOOST bottom-line profits using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing."- Karl Bryan

One Coaching Thing: Day 142: (Audio) How I’d Do It

Day 142: (Audio) How I’d Do It   

Yesterday I was explaining how if you want to grow a BOOMING business coaching practice… now’s the time to put the pedal to the medal and support business owners.  

Some of the greatest companies of all time were built during economic downturns like General Motors, Disney, Microsoft, Ford, IBM, General Electric and the list goes on… 

It’s not a coincidence. 

I also just want to say I’m sincerely sorry that you, your family, your community, your city and your country are going through this. 

It’s BRUTAL and unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. 

It’s OK to be a little scared due to the unknown but do your best to remain strong through the uncertainty… 

It’s not going to be fun but it’ll go quicker than you realize and everything will be OK.



Some things can’t be said in an email and you need to leverage other modalities like audio. Which is what I’m doing today for you.

I have a lot to say about this darned Coronavirus and how I’d close coaching during the next 90 days of craziness.   

I’m therefore going to let you listen to yesterday’s VIP closed group call with many of my legendary 800+ coaches that use my online coaching system and business coaching software. 

This specific call is for part of our program for successful business coaches called ‘Live Event Mastery’… 

We have our coaches competing over 120 days to host the most live events, host the most business owners, get the most online members on their Membership Sites / Online Business Academy and get the most high-end clients. 

The Coronavirus has thrown a wrench into our plans, halfway through the program, but you’ll hear how my top coaches continue to thrive. 

No lame Virus stops someone on a MISSION. 

Possibly pivot but they’re not slowing down for anyone or anything. 

A huge part of what we do is ‘community’… elite business coaches helping and pushing other coaches to perform at a higher level and think bigger. 

If you want to hear me on ‘How I’d get coaching clients over the next 90 days’ plus how other coaches ARE DOING IT… 

Click here to listen to me yesterday on a VIP internal call:


You heard it here first.


Here’s what some of our business coaches said after this live VIP internal call: 


 “Perfect advice for me at the perfect time. Thank you”

“Their fear will be my fuel. I’m going to break ‘helping people records’ this month.”

“Beyond inspiring” 

“Fear will be my FUEL to help my local business owners” 

“Thank you for the roadmap… I’m going to have my best coaching month EVER” 

“It’s been thirty minutes since the LEM call and I have my first appointment already scheduled. Thank you” 

Warning: You’re going to want to email me afterward and ask how you can work with our community, my business coaching software and my online coaching system. 

Obsessed with your business coaching success,

Karl Bryan aka King Karl 

Plz do yourself a favor and listen to this VIP internal call now:


PS. Here’s a post I placed on FB last night…. A lot of ppl are going to be quarantined, some are elderly and are others too proud to ask for help. 

Here’s what I placed on my FB page…  had two people reached out already and sure plenty more to come. 

You might want to do something similar in your area? 

“Crazy times out there… If i can help your family in Kelowna via pick up / drop off of groceries / supplies etc… Please just say the word and we will be there.

Stay safe and don’t let the hysteria get you down. 

Enjoy your family and loved ones.” 

PPS. Leave a comment or Email me if you want to work with me, my business coaching software and my community of rock star coaches.

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One Thing series with Karl Bryan