"I created Profit Acceleration Software™ so you can BOOST bottom-line profits using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing."- Karl Bryan

One Thing: Day 841: Narcissists. Sociopaths. You.

Day 841: Narcissists. Sociopaths. You.

Yesterday I was explaining how your ultimate life hack is not a system, strategy, tactic or a tool… it’s your way of thinking as well as how the guy that stole my flip flops and camouflage jacket can hide but he can’t run.

Speaking of wanting to hide…

Here’s a conversation between Dave and I:

Dangerous Dave: I bought a guitar that tells the time.

Me: How does that work?

Dangerous Dave: Every time I play it, my neighbor screams “It’s 2am, idiot.”

*Good talk*

In other news…

Exercise is proven to be more beneficial for depression than drugs.




‘Narcissist / Sociopath’

Reading ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’ is great but when doing business at a high level… it’s critically important that you understand psychology.

The elite will tell you it’s about protecting your downside risk.

I’ll leave your marriage for another day but it can be dangerous to have a business relationship with narcissists or sociopaths.

Fun facts about these two delightful personality disorders:


– Every sociopath is a narcissist but not every narcissist is a sociopath.

– Narcissists accuse you of doing exactly what they’re doing.

– Narcissists use gaslighting (they warp reality and make you feel like you’re crazy) to control you / relationships.

– They lack empathy.

– Accusations from a narcissist are actually confessions.


– They both hurt people but with a sociopath, it’s intentional.

– Sociopaths are like professional actors that adjust their personality / reactions to get what they want in any given situation / relationship.

– It’s not genetic, it’s environmental.

– Sociopaths usually had a disrupted personality development or abuse as a child.

– Sociopaths don’t feel stress related to the consequences of their actions (Hint: Don’t expect them to and set yourself up for disappointment).

Don’t ask either of these people to ‘seek help’… it’ll be futile.

Your best defense is to seek help yourself and the solution lies in one word:


You heard it here first.

Now, pick up the phone and go help someone.

Obsessed with your business coaching success,

Karl Bryan aka King Karl



PS. One of life’s greatest tragedies is that we get old too soon and wise too late.

PPS. If this helps and you want it to really sink in… GO TEACH IT to someone cause that’s the best way for you to learn it. A friend, your spouse, a prospect, a client etc…So will your bank account.

*Don’t plagiarize my work like a lame arse.

PPPS. Marriages break up from lack of money… over lack of love X 100.

Business failures lead to destruction, addiction, depression, anxiety, suicides, and unfortunately, far more.

As good business coaches we save marriages, save families, save kids from self-destruction… we save lives!

A true life of purpose.

PPPPS. If you’re looking for a proven system to follow for your coaching…. I created Profit Acceleration Software™ as well as our Digital Acceleration Software™ and high-end step-by-step training to support it…

It’ll teach you ‘How to find any small business owner $100,000 in 45 minutes without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising.’

Imagine finding your annual $12,000 to $50,000 coaching fees BEFORE you started coaching your new clients?!  And a proven coaching system created for you to follow with your new coaching client.

PPPPPS. Forward this to someone that needs to subscribe to my daily emails and get a limited-time, complimentary subscription to my business coaching magazine go here:


PPPPPPS. They tell me my Podcast is Ric Flair style, Money Makin, Client Getten, Joint Venture Landing, Event Fillin, High-End Coaching Client Findin Gold For Business Coaches.


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One Thing series with Karl Bryan