"I created Profit Acceleration Software™ so you can BOOST bottom-line profits using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing."- Karl Bryan
The Undercover Billionaire By Karl Bryan

The Undercover Billionaire
A brilliant concept and show created by billionaire mortgage tycoon Grant Stearns…
Many moons ago, I used to have a Hockey TV Show.
Was a HOOT and I can’t begin to tell you how much I learned…
If you were to ask me:
“Will the show ‘Undercover Billionaire’ be a success?”
I would have said yes, and here is the reason why…
There’s a formula I created that very few people know about or talk about.
The acronym I gave it is ‘RADS’.
The show is RARE… no one else thought of it or is doing it.
It’s AWESOME, inspirational, and has very valuable learnings for a specific category of people (business owner types).
betting 1 million dollars on whether you can build a 7-figure business in 90 days in a city you’d never been to using an alias so no one knows who you are…
Not for the faint of heart.
Is another way of saying can it be easily replaced? I guess there are other business shows like The Profit but this is a unique offering that others are not going to create any time soon.
Does your business pass my RADS test?
Does your social media post pass my RADS test?
Does your new product pass my RADS test?
If the answer is no…. I’d be cautious to do it.
Grant Cardone
Back to the show, The Undercover Billionaire.
I loved the first season and was anxious to see season 2.
When I heard Grant Cardone was participating… I was doubly excited.
Here’s what happened from my vantage point, and I won’t spoil the ending for you.
Grant Cardone, a very popular guy in the business coaching and real estate world… is one of the Billionaires participating, so I was interested to see how he’d do, and frankly…
… What he’d do.
The foundation of the show is that Grant Cardone makes a $1 million dollar bet that he can build a 7-figure business within 90 days, in a city he didn’t know, with no contacts, operating under an alias so he couldn’t use his reputation, with $100 and a pickup truck.
They placed him in Pueblo, Colorado, and he used the name Louis Curtis.
Add in a global pandemic, and this is an impressive feat by anyone’s standard.
While watching, I saw Grant Cardone exercising two time-tested business principles that do not require money…
- Communication
- Human Capital
At the beginning of the season, Grant walks into an RV shop and convinces the guy to let him live in one of the RV’s on his lot in exchange for acting as free security.
The same guy buys him dinner for a few nights at a local restaurant, PLUS lets him drive his Jeep?!?
Through clever, but simple, line of questioning, he gets the name of a heavy hitting business guy in town that he wants to meet.
Meeting doesn’t happen instantly…
Rather than GIVE UP, which so many do – cough, cough…
He diligently follows up, and with not much more than a sprinkle of intestinal fortitude…
You guessed it…
… Grant gets his meeting with his new contact.
Through some more clever and basic line of questioning… he identities a problem, and then offers to put together a proposal to solve it for his new business friend/contact.
The guy takes him up on the offer, and Grant follows through and puts $12,000 through the turnstiles.
BTW, this involves Grant, a billionaire, dancing around the streets, waving down cars on a highway and giving out flyers one to one to passers-by.
With the success of this campaign…
Grant turns that into a revenue deal and a $10,000 upfront cheque.
All of this was done without spending a single dollar of the $100 he started with.
He goes on to get COVID….
Gets sent home due to the pandemic…
And more twists and turns than you’d believe.
I don’t want to ruin the ending of the show for you…
Questions For You And For Your High-End Clients.
Do you, and do your clients, have a list of needle-moving people they want a meeting with?
When you try for this meeting… is there a WHATEVER IT TAKES ATTITUDE to getting that meeting, or a try and give up?
Would you work for free for a prospective client and put $12k in their bank account by dancing in the streets?
Do you ask your contacts for referrals and people that can help you achieve your goal?
Are you a lone wolf in your business?
*Do whatever it takes, revenue share, profit share, to build a TEAM around you*
Thanks for tuning in,
Karl Bryan