"I created Profit Acceleration Software™ so you can BOOST bottom-line profits using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing."- Karl Bryan
One Thing: Day 508: Community. Skills. Software.

Day 508: Community. Skills. Software.
So, after the weekend episode with the Mexican hot chili cook off and my two-day experience of wiping with a snow cone…
… and managing to give myself menopause.
I hear you asking, what happened next?
I slipped on my most comfortable G-string and took my cold, sweaty, irritable, tired, menopause riddled body to the doctor for a check up.
Here’s our brief conversation:
Doctor: Sorry KB, you’ve tested positive.
Me: Great… I’ve got climate change.
In other news…
Please vaccinate, I have no desire to learn the entire Greek alphabet.
‘Your Spirit’
Every once in awhile I say something that I think is impactful for coaches looking to hit 7 figures and really make a difference….
If you’re looking to become magnetic and achieve that elusive X factor where people start seeking you out and you can’t explain why.
In my opinion this can totally change the game.
I got distracted last week with some comedy to lighten up Thanksgiving but you might remember Wednesday I said the offer that brings in the least opt-ins but the BEST clients was a ‘Principle Based Offer’.
The Influencer with 250 comments to his High Ticket Sales garbage ‘tactical offer’ is collecting lots of idiots with shiny light syndrome and no ability to focus.
Not sorry.
If you’re sick of the broke dummies… and you want to show up powerfully with a new sense of confidence as a leader and become magnetic to the elite clients that can afford your highest fees…
… The answer you’re looking for is:
Your Spirit.
When you attract people via ‘who you are and how you show up’ you’ll start attracting the highest-level coaching prospects and clients.
The ones that’ll spend $100,000+ and when you say “jump” they won’t ask, “why”… they’ll ask you:
“How High?”
I hear you ask:
*thick pompous English accent*
“Sounds grand oh wise KB… I do so fancy a lovely cuppa but prior to doing so, how so, do you propose I avoid these twits with not much more than a pence, henceforth create this magnetic ‘Spirit’ you so describe and that would chuff me to bits…?”
Sadly, this isn’t the instant ‘just add water’ to your 4-hour workweek variety.
Revisit your last day, week, month, quarter, and year.
Be honest with yourself and do an inventory of:
Your focus.
The words you used.
The ACTIONS you took.
The conversations you had with yourself, to yourself, about yourself.
The lessons you learned, logged and the subsequent changes you’ve made.
The level of stories you’ve told.
The people you’ve chosen to associate with.
The people that have chosen to associate with you.
Your posts on social media and the things you’ve engaged with.
The books you’ve read.
The mentors you’ve followed.
The places you’ve spent time (hours in the gym… hours in the bar… hours in worship… hours reading/learning).
The way you’ve ‘shown up’.
The quality, authenticity and number of other people’s success stories you’ve collected.
Your level of power, pull and inspiration.
The new skills you’ve developed.
The tools and software you’ve learned to use.
Unfortunately to make these changes and create a magnetic $100,000+ coaching client ‘SPIRIT’… will take conscientiousness, focus, honesty, effort and…
Now, get to work ‘ole chap.
Obsessed with your business coaching success,
Karl Bryan aka King Karl
PS. Go after your dreams… not people.